Jul 18
Stream Water Quality
Our streams are threatened by the amount of impervious surfaces that cause stormwater to rush all at once to scour, erode and pollute our...
Jul 18
Native Prairies
For more information about our prairies, visit some of these websites! The Prairies of Ohio Ohio Plants
Jul 18
Rain Gardens
Visit the Cincinnati Master Rain Gardener website for upcoming classes. Check these places periodically for native plant, shrub and tree...
Jul 18
Prairie Management
For more information about prescribed burning, visit some of these posts by Great Parks and the National Parks Service! Using Fire as a...
Jul 18
Invasive Species
Amur honeysuckle is arguably the most problematic invasive plant around Cincinnati. It forms a continuous shrub layer in forests that...
Jul 17
Green Infrastructure
Our streams are threatened by the amount of impervious surfaces that cause stormwater to rush all at once to scour, erode and pollute our...
May 29
Summer 2024 Interns
Field Center Interns work with partner organizations to assess conservation and restoration projects. They also engage in projects to...
May 29
Understanding Prairie Flowers with Drones?
The prairies in Miami Whitewater Forest are an ever-changing tapestry of flowers that change throughout the year. These flowers provide...
May 29
Tiny Forest
What is a tiny forest? Tiny forests are popular in Japan, India, Australia, New Zealand and Europe. They are meant for urban settings...
Oct 10, 2023
Summer Intern Spotlight: Adam Jeffers
As summer semester has fully come to a close, and Fall classes are in full swing, we wanted to highlight and celebrate our excellent...
Oct 10, 2023
Summer Intern Spotlight: Allison Leone
As summer semester has fully come to a close, and Fall semester classes are in full swing, we to highlight and celebrate our excellent...
Oct 10, 2023
Club and Student Open House Recap
A few weeks ago, we held our very first Fall Club Open House. UC students and organizations were invited to learn more about the space,...
Mar 5, 2023
Rain Garden Redesign
This Spring, students from UC Environmental Studies Capstone class have been hard at work redesigning the Field Center’s rain garden....
Feb 25, 2023
Prairie Survey
Students at the University of Cincinnati, in partnership with Great Parks of Hamilton County, conducted a prairie survey of three...